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Montessori Primary Program

Enroll now for the Spring. Primary Summer Camps available.

Ages 3 years - 6 years old

Primary Montessori is a MIXED - AGED classroom for students 3 (independent in the bathroom) - 6+ years of age. Students remain in the Primary class through their Kindergarten Year and graduate out for First Grade. Primary is a 3 to 4 Year Curriculum  Program - depending on the child's date of birth -  for completion.

The Primary Classroom offers a 3 hour uninterrupted morning work cycle for mixed aged students. The children interact together in the classroom throughout the day. Each class is led by an AMI Lead Guide and one assistant. The guide introduces the children to independent and group lessons based on their cognitive and academic level of readiness. Each child is given appropriate lessons in each of the areas of the prepared environment. Children at this age possess what Dr. Maria Montessori called the “ABSORBENT MIND” - the special ability for young children to absorb and retain very easily information and experiences from their environment and culture.

Montessori provides scientifically designed materials which offer the child many opportunities and activities to support this natural tendency. In addition to the morning class, the afternoon class time provides continued academic curriculum for the 5 & 6 year old students who are now mastering advanced lessons in reading, writing, arithmetic, geography, science and more. Because of this unique Three - Four Year Curriculum, students enter the clenter around two and a half and remain for three - four years, graduating out at age six – six and a half, it offers the students the experience of  having a close bond to their peers and Guides. Children and families often feel at home in the Montessori Center.

The following areas of the Montessori Curriculum are meticulously prepared with specialized materials. Lessons are introduced to the children based on the Guide’s observations for readiness. After the materials have been introduced, the child may choose the lesson independently as often as he/she likes, allowing repetition and mastery. This provides the opportunity for choice, problem solving, cooperation and independence. Montessori students are also given lessons on Grace and Courtesy to support their place in society. Respect for each other and the environment is apparent throughout the classroom community by both Guides and students. Montessori has been said to be a “Peace Education”.

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