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Toddler Program

Ages 2 years - to 3 years old

Toddler Montessori provides children 2 years to 3 years old a beautiful, caring and respectful environment to explore with their natural innate desire to become independent and connect to community with 11 of their peers. Students attend 5 days per week for successful adaptation and bonding with Guides and peers.

The Toddler classroom provides areas for preparing food, eating, individual and group lessons, toileting, gardening and peaceful alone time.

The young child enters the class feeling a part of an active working environment with opportunities for social communication and interactions, self-expression, development of motor skills, language development and independence as a young person of the world.

The Toddler Guide has knowledge and respect for the “inner guide” within each child and provides lessons and materials to support each developing personality. The Guide prepares a beautiful and interesting classroom. She is caring and warm, is a good listener and promotes a non – competitive environment encouraging self-esteem.

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